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Click the following links to read about Kindergarten Learning Standards in the Diocese of Baton Rouge.




English Language Arts






Social Studies




Hello! My name is Julie Vosbein.  Welcome to Kindergarten at Mater Dolorosa Catholic School. In just a few days your child will complete one of the most important milestones of their life.....their first day of Kindergarten! I am sure that you and your child have already preconceived this day with excitement, apprehension, or a little of both. Whichever the case may be, I am hopeful that this first important school year will prove to be an exciting time for us all.

I would like to share a few highlights of our Kindergarten curriculum, so you will be aware of my academic expectations for your child.  My end-of-the-year goal is to have your little one leave Kindergarten as a deep thinker, a solid reader, and an emergent writer.  I will accomplish this goal through explicit and systematic instruction in Mathematics, English Language Arts, and our Catholic faith.

The name of our math series is Eureka Math. This series will deepen your child’s conceptual understandings through the use of visual tools, problem-based activities, and hands-on manipulatives. The domains of this program include Geometry, Counting and Cardinality, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number Operations in Base Ten, and Measurement and Data. We will spend 60 minutes a day on mathematical instruction. 

The name of our reading series is Scott Foresman Reading Street. This program was designed by Common Core experts and proven successful in real classrooms. The program components include phonemic awareness, phonics, high-frequency words, text-based comprehension strategies, oral vocabulary, grammar conventions, and writing. We will spend 2 hours and 10 minutes a day on English Language Arts instruction.

Our science and social studies curriculum is built into our reading program. We will focus on the topics of School, Animals and Plants, The Effect of Change, Adventures, Transportation, and Building Communities. Writing will be connected to the various stories that fall within each topic. By the end of the school year, your child will know and understand how to use text evidence to write an answer to a story question. Each 45-minute lesson will be embedded into the comprehension component of the reading program.

The name of our Religion series is Sadlier We Believe. We will spend 30 minutes a day focusing on Catechism of the Catholic Church as we learn about God, Jesus, Scripture, Saints, Feast Days, and Devotions.

I would like to thank you for choosing Mater Dolorosa Catholic School for your child's first, formal year of education. This year will be filled with new faces, new challenges, and new opportunities to learn about God's presence in our lives. May the love of Christ and that of our Holy Mother forever shine upon you and your families as we begin this journey together.

-- Julie Vosbein